
Internships, Lab, Cocurriculars, Extracurriculars and More.

Robonav - Robojackets Robotics Club

Software Team Member
August 2023 - Now
Robojackets - Georgia Institute of Technology

ExperienceC++PythonControl TheoryRoboticsDocumentation

I participated in RoboNav - one of the subteams under Georgia Tech's Competitive Robotics Club Robojackets. In the team, I currently serve as a new member of the software team, focusing on hardware-software integration of the rover while learning the whole software stack of the team.

IronPulse Robotics

Team Leader, Lead Programmer and Control Engineer
March 2021 - August 2023
IronPulse Robotics - Shanghai Pinghe School

ExperienceJavaControl TheoryRoboticsTechnical PresentationDocumentation

I led a team in the FIRST Robotics Competition, which is one of the most famous high-school robotics competitions with a high level of competitiveness and intensity. In the competition, students need to design, build, manufacture, program, and test their 120-lb level robots, making them able to compete on the field in a 3v3 alliance-based rule. At the same time, the students.